Friday, August 29, 2014

Dave's radio interview

This is a link to a radio interview I did a few weeks ago. I am stretching things a bit to include it here (vineyards are involved at least), but some of you might be interested. The monotone remind me of why my radio career began and ended before I was 22.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Out the back door towards Mount Hood

I am constantly awed by the view from this property, but I have consistently been frustrated by how hard it is to show it in a photo. If anyone has any suggestions I am all ears (well, eyes). You might just have to come and see it for yourselves!

Aside from the distant view of mountains, we hope to look out in this direction and see grape vines in the foreground by next year.

Pouring footings

Just a few weeks into the project and we are already pouring footings. This shot is down in the basement, which isn't as large as the main floor so half of the house is on a slab.

As you can see, the hard work has already made me buff and tan, and I lost all my hair waiting for the permits from Washington County.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dysthe at work!

Starting to frame for the footings. At this point we had only broken ground a week earlier! Dysthe is standing at the front door. On a clearer day you will be able to look straight through sliding doors at Mount Hood.

Some of our new toys

Pulling up and seeing this line of rigs makes this look like an awfully big project. We really aren't building a winery yet, I promise.

Even Grandma pitches in.

We could never dig such a big hole without a lot of help stopping by!

More Reinforcements!

Thanks to all the friends and family came by to help dig. 

Sunday, August 24, 2014


We found a bigger shovel. As always, Dysthe drove.

Our friends Chris and Ellie made us golden shovels. They said it was for the groundbreaking, but I think they were just trying to tell us to get to work already. Here we are, hard at it!

Digging a Foundation

We have finally started building!  This is our construction site on our hilltop outside of Sherwood, Oregon.  We hope to be done by late Winter, in time to start planting a vineyard.  Eventually we hope to have around 15 acres of grapes on our 19 acre site.  We know how bad we are at sharing photos and updates with friends and family, so we hope we can get the hang of this blogging thing so that you can keep tabs on our progress more easily.  Wish us luck - more for learning the whole blogging thing than for the house!

This is standing from where our front door will be.  We will take a lot of photos from this spot, just to compare.  On a clearer day you would see Mount Hood right in the middle of the shot.