Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November brings some big changes!

November began with windows going in.  Just seeing them in makes the view from up here more amazing.

And some plumbing goes in.

Even a little drywall going in, though just in the furnace room for now.  This was in preparation for the HVAC guys showing up for putting in the furnace and duct work.

And the roofers came to install the standing seam metal roof.  They are brothers, and if you look close you might notice that this one has only one arm.  He still gets more done than most people!

Then the cold snap hit.  I know that much of the country has had it a lot worse than Oregon has, but this slowed us down a little.

This picture doesn't show it well enough, but this is the roofers thawing things out with a blowtorch one morning so they can get to work.

Roof almost done and more windows in.

And here's where we are now, almost all closed in with electricians showing up soon.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Hey, what happened in October?

Work kept up trying to close the house in before fall turned everything into mush.  I don't know if you can tell, but Jeff here is old school and pounds in every nail with a hammer.  No shortcuts for us!

Getting closer, showing the entrance and chimney taking shape.

Driving up this day was the first time it really looked like our house!

Mostly enclosed, but now that it's raining we need a real roof.

To be fair, there have been other distractions keeping me from the blog.  Exhibit A, a press full of Pinot.

Exhibit B, we had a nice weekend as harvest wound down and went kayaking on the Willamette south of downtown Portland.

Back to the house. Pete framing in the fireplace.
As October wound down, Dysthe's folks showed up and helped us get felt on the roof.  Ta-da!